Inspirational stories

Whatever point you’re at in your journey as an apprentice or trainee, it’s great to feel motivated by people who’ve been through it all before. We’ve collected inspirational stories about real apprentices and trainees who share some of their challenges and successes on the way to completing training.

Alyssa's story

Alyssa is completing her Certificate III Electrical Apprenticeship. She recommends an apprenticeship because it’s an amazing career opportunity.

'It’s just made me a lot more confident as a person, as well as an electrician too.'

Habibi's story

From Diplomat Security for the Australian Embassy in Afghanistan to electrical apprentice working on some of Victoria’s largest projects.

Habibi is completing his Certificate III Electrical Apprenticeship while working on construction projects like the Metro Rail Tunnel.

'Definitely I recommend this for anyone that they want to join a trade.'

Andrew's story

Apprenticeships and traineeships are for everyone no matter what age. So, when Andrew saw an opportunity, he ran with it. He is making the most of working on Victoria’s rail projects.

Andrew has completed a Certificate III in Carpentry.

'I started later in life with my apprenticeship. There’s always room for learning, doesn’t matter how old you are.'
